Saturday, February 11, 2012

Wow! Is probably the best word that can describe my journey from 4 weeks ago until now. I cannot begin to express my gratitude to you all who have prayed, visited, sent cards, brought meals, helped in so many ways  and pulled for us so hard during this challenging time.

I've been home for two weeks now with a bit of improvement each day.  My oxygen levels have improved but I still have a ways to go, still needing 4-5 liters oxygen at rest.   I've started being able to walk a bit in the mall, and work at going up and down our stairs a few times a day.   I had shown some further improvement at my doctor's appt at the UW on Wednesday. They calculated that I have shrunk 3 inches to 4' 8" and had previously listed this as my height for a lung donation.   Since my maximum adult height was once 4' 11", as of Wednesday, I can now accept a lung donation from anyone in the 5'0" range. I don't feel any taller, but my outlook for a lung feels like it's floating. This increase in height acceptance should greatly increase the pool from which I can accept a lung.

Though our circumstances may change in life, our God is ever so consistent and faithful! Lamentations 3:22-23 says, "Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness." We have been seeing each day as a 'bonus' day, as I feel blessed with another opportunity to rejoice and to appreciate my family and friends but especially for my dear Steve who has been so supportive and committed.

We will plan on updating this blog every couple of weeks or as things change. Thank you again for your effective prayers (as they got me healthy enough to turn around and to come home) and for the ongoing  prayers for complete healing or a lung transplant ASAP!

Lots of love,